Sunday, February 1, 2009

Its been a while

I know its been the longest time since I last wrote on my blog so I'll try to fill you in since november 6th lol.

I turned 20! I got a lot of people asking me how does it feel to be out of my teens and I'm like I dont know lol. Whats also weird is that my best friend and I had a huge fight about a year ago and we just up and stopped talking. I think it was about the dumbest fight I've ever had and maybe a needed one to maybe give us a chance to grow more as adults. But anyways, I was going to text her or send her a message on myspace if she changed her number. Well later that night when the family and I were at dinner I get a text message from a number I knew all to well, might have sat in shock for a min and couldnt say anything for about 5 min ha ha. I think that was almost the best gift I gotten ( you cant beat a beatles cd or twilight *thanks dad * :) ). The sad part of my birthday was everyone on on my dads side forgot my birthday! and they still dont know!!! lol to be honest it doesnt bother me really I just think thats really funny :)

Laura, Kim, Hillary and I all went to see the Christmas lights at the DC Temple and to see a band called My Favorite Highway which is the best band ever! After the show Laura wanted to say Hello to them so we also got to meet them and they are the nicest guys I've meet. After that I 've just been working a lot... Its hard to find a job out here but I am trying, I am going to make another attempt next weekend and see where that takes me. Now as for school I'm so tired of people barking up my damn tree. I understand I need to go but wheres the money?? Who's going to help me. A lot of people on my dads side like to bring this up EVERYTIME I SEE THEM. My goal is so go in the fall end of subject I don't even want a comment about it.

I got CLUE which I've never played before and kim got me the updated one and its like the best game ever. I got call of duty world at war and that game is SUPER GOOD I hope to get it on the 360. Got a bunch of twilight books and a twilight book mark. Hillary got me Audrey Hepburn movies, because this family knows that I love old movies :P

Been working a lot still.
Sorry I don't have a lot of pictures up but that will be my next blog lol. Now that Kim has a laptop and it doesn't run slow Im sure I'll be on here a lot more which will make Kim happy :)
Then on the 30th we went to see another concert and we saw 3 bands and it was that best night I've had in awhile. I took some videos from when My Favorite Highway played and I hope to post them when I get back on. All 4 of us got to meet the 2 new bands that played and they are all the nicest guys and I hope that they make more music because I intend to follow all of them and spread the word.

Well that is all for now. Maybe now Kim & Hillary can leave me alone about updating my blog lol thanks guys. I love you all please comment and let me know how you all are doing, I enjoy hearing from you.


1 comment:

  1. Yay Courty!!! Now I'm gonna bug you about pictures...ahhaha. You know what's up with me so I won't bore you with Love you girlie!
